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2025-03-19 【学术交流】 0人已围观
黑 tea中的tea多糖来源有两方面,一方面是tea叶本身所固有的,一方面是渥堆发酵过程中由微生物代谢产生的,如酵母菌的细胞壁含有甘露聚糖、葡聚糖等成分。
black tea不仅tea多糖含量高,而且活性强,这是因为渥堆过程中,在糖苷酶和蛋白水解等水解酶作用下,multi-sugar 水解,以及peptide 水解,将形成了长度相对较短的小链结构,因此black tea 的teasweet 活性要优于其他teas.
随着近年来的“black tea 热”,也有一些关于black tea 饮用安全性的负面报道。
Black Tea 在渥堆发酵过程中产生了许多microorganisms, 包括Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, Botrytis cinerea 和Bacillus subtilis. 这些microorganisms 会产生如enzyme class, organic acid, mineral 等 生理活性material.
The process of wet piling provides an environment that is conducive to the growth of microorganisms. Yeast and mold are particularly active during this stage. However, as the pile matures and temperatures rise due to enzymatic reactions and microbial metabolism, the conditions become less favorable for microbial growth. In fact, many bacteria cannot survive in these high-temperature environments.
These microorganisms have been found not to pose a health risk. For example Aspergillus oryzae has been used extensively in food production for centuries as a fermentation agent (e.g., sake production).
However it's worth noting that under certain conditions such as high temperature and humidity black fungi can produce toxins like aflatoxins which are known carcinogens.
In summary while there may be concerns about the safety of drinking black teas due to its processing methods involving various microorganism's activities but it's important to note that most of these organisms are harmless and their presence does not pose any health risks when properly processed into final products such as dried leaves or compressed cakes.
Finally drying process after fermentation also ensures that any remaining microbes die off thus ensuring safety for consumption.
Thus one can safely conclude that black teas when consumed according to recommended guidelines do not present any significant health risks.
It is hoped this article will help dispel some misconceptions surrounding the safety of drinking black teas by providing scientific insights into its processing techniques and potential benefits.