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2025-01-09 图片资讯 0人已围观

简介秋季淡水鱼打印病防治要点 一、淡水鱼打印病的危害及流行情况 本文旨在阐述秋季淡水鱼打印病的防治措施,讨论其对鲢鱼和鳙鱼等淡水鱼种类的影响,以及其全国性流行特征。该疾病在夏秋两季尤为常见,对渔池中的成长和产卵都造成了严重影响,感染率高达80%以上。 二、淡水鱼打印病的症状与诊断 患者可表现出游动缓慢以及食欲减退。主要症状包括皮肤红斑、周围充血发红形成“红色印记”。随着疾病进展









(3)针对体重7千克至10千克的大型患儿,注射兽用磺胺噻唑钠20% 1ml并外涂高锰酸钾溶液1000ml含量0.1克,以促进伤口愈合.








Autumnal print disease of freshwater fish: prevention and control measures

I. Hazards and prevalence of print disease in freshwater fish

This article discusses the prevention and control measures for autumnal print disease, focusing on its impact on carp, eel, catfish, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, black bream and mandarin fish. The disease is prevalent throughout China with high infection rates in summer and autumn.

II. Symptoms and diagnosis of print disease in freshwater fish

Symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite and red spots or "print" lesions around the fins or tail area that resemble a tattoo mark. As the infection progresses skin ulcers form exposing white tissue beneath.

III. Treatment methods for print disease in freshwater fish

A combination therapy including chloramine-T (full pool treatment), five times salt solution (every cubic meter adds 10g to 40g), injection of sulfadiazine sodium (20%) at a dose rate of 10mg/kg body weight plus topical application of potassium permanganate solution (1000 ml water contains 10 g potassium permanganate). A long-acting antibiotic like tetracycline can be added to feed at a rate of 500 g per ton for three days to five days.

IV. Prevention methods against print disease in freshwater fish

Careful handling during netting or transportation operations are crucial to prevent injuries from which bacteria can enter wounds as portals of entry into the body; frequent cleaning and disinfection using chlorine-based disinfectants should also be practiced especially during peak season.

V. Pathogen analysis - point source actinomycosis bacteria causing diseases under certain conditions - injury facilitates entry into host organism; poor filtration leading to accumulation debris; breeding sites prone risk higher than others.

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