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2025-03-18 农业资讯 0人已围观

简介室内养花生飞虫怎么办?小编喜欢养花,家里和办公室都有小编养的花。办公室近日很多飞虫困扰,那是因为培养花草的土壤滋生的飞虫,于是小编想了一些办法。总结在此,希望此文对大家能有所帮助。 工具/原料: 杀虫剂 烟叶水 白酒 洗衣液 方法/步骤: 1、如果需要扑灭室内飞虫,要做到两条:已经滋生的要杀灭,还要找到源头。即哪里来的飞虫。所谓源头清则水流清,所以杀灭源头很重要。 2、杀灭已经成熟的飞虫










3、然后就是花土,因为我们种花的时候,难免要保持土壤湿润,所以土壤里残存了worm eggs(幼虫卵),慢慢孵化成worms(幼 worms)。所以必须kill worm eggs in the soil(在土中消灭幼虫卵)。

4、kill worm eggs唯一的办法就是使用kill insecticide(杀昆)了,我们需要购买kill insecticide对water,然后对flower pot里的soil进行spray喷洒,以至于killing all the worms in the soil for grown-up insects.

5、double-barreled approach就可以有效地控制room flies inside our homes. Isn't it still quite effective? Hope this text can help those who are bothered by these pests, if you like, please give a thumbs up!


Kill insecticides are harmful to our bodies, so use them carefully. If there's black fly in your flowerbed, it might be due to too much moisture; roots start rotting; don't water immediately, wait until they dry out before watering again.

For flower pots with small flying insects:

Take out and let dry for two days before repotting with fresh soil.

Sprinkle vinegar on the soil to prevent new larvae from hatching.

Plant garlic near flowers to repel pests.

Flower beds infested with tiny white flying insects:

Spray tobacco juice on flowers regularly (one week apart).

Cut off infected leaves and burn them thoroughly to prevent spreading.

For flowering plants attacked by aphids:

Move potted plants outdoors and spray pesticides as needed.

For mild infestations, wash away aphids with clear water or use homemade remedies like cigarette smoke or onion skins that release sulfur gas which kills aphids.

By following these steps and keeping an eye on your environment's humidity levels and temperature conditions, you should be able to keep pest-free!

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