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2025-02-05 科普文章 0人已围观

简介杜洛克猪原产于美国东部的新泽西州和纽约州等地,是世界四大著名猪种之一,分布很广。毛色棕红色,以瘦肉率高、生长速度快而著称,是目前三元杂交猪生产公认的最佳终端父本。 杜洛克猪适应性强,生长发育迅速,饲料转化率和瘦肉率高,容易饲养。杜洛克猪平均产仔在11头以上,初生重1.5千克以上,断奶个体重16千克以上,6月龄平均体重105千克以上,成年公猪体重350千克以上,成年母猪310千 克以上,料肉比在2


杜洛克猪适应性强,生长发育迅速,饲料转化率和瘦肉率高,容易饲养。杜洛克猪平均产仔在11头以上,初生重1.5千克以上,断奶个体重16千克以上,6月龄平均体重105千克以上,成年公猪体重350千克以上,成年母猪310千 克以上,料肉比在2.38:1。平均胴体瘦肉率达60%以上。







Duolock pigs, originating from the eastern United States, particularly New York and New Jersey, are one of the world's four most famous pig breeds, with a wide distribution. Their coat is reddish-brown in color, known for their high lean meat ratio and fast growth rate.

These pigs are adaptable to different environments and grow rapidly at a lower cost of feed conversion than other breeds. The average litter size of Duolock sows is over 11 heads with an average birth weight of 1.5 kg or more; they wean at 16 kg or more by the time they reach 21 days old.

By six months old, these pigs weigh around 105 kg on average for both males and females; mature boars can weigh up to 350 kg while mature sows can reach up to 310 kg in body weight.

The fat content ratio between the backfat layer and lean muscle tissue is approximately 2.38:1 on average per piglet when it reaches marketable size at about two months old (70-100kg).

In terms of reproduction performance:

Average number of live-born piglets per litter: around nine.

Weaning age: approximately three weeks.

Number of stillborn piglets per litter: less than one.

Backfat thickness (mm): around eighteen.

Eye muscle area (cm²): thirty-one percent.

Three reasons why farmers choose Duolock pigs:

They have good fertility rates as well as excellent growth potential without requiring too much food or space.

They produce large litters consistently that give them an advantage in breeding programs due to higher efficiency compared to other breeds like Hampshire or Yorkshire breedings which may require additional resources such as extra feeding during pregnancy period before giving birth but will ultimately result better offspring quality after being raised through proper nutrition plan designed specifically tailored towards these specific requirements since all factors contribute significantly towards final outcome desired here - maximizing profit margin while ensuring healthy animals' overall health status throughout lifecycle stages involved within this entire process from conception until harvest date set forth below

These porkers have many advantages over others because they possess strong immune systems capable enough resisting diseases effectively thus reducing costs associated with treating illness related issues which could potentially lead loss due financial constraints faced by farmers who rely heavily upon successful farming practices for their livelihoods making this option highly attractive choice among many considering implementing sustainable livestock management techniques into daily operations thereby increasing profitability while minimizing negative impacts on environment surrounding farm areas where production occurs leading towards greener future possibilities available now!

标签: 农业科普文章