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2025-01-13 【学术交流】 0人已围观
简介在进行蛇果树的整形修剪时,我们需要根据不同的情况来选择合适的树形模式。对于那些新建的果园来说,采用高纺锤形现代栽培整形方式是最为理想的选择。而对于那些已经存在了较长时间、郁闭杂乱的老龄果园,则需要进行更加彻底的改造。蛇果种植中的冬剪措施便是这些改造中不可或缺的一部分。 为了实现乔化密植和分层、高光效省力的树形,我们通常会采取间伐、提干、落头以及疏除过多大枝、大枝上疏除大侧枝等一系列操作
总体而言,snake fruit tree pruning process can be divided into three steps: first, we need to remove the lower branches of the main trunk by cutting them off; second, we should prune the top part of the tree to control its height and promote healthy growth; third, we should thin out some branches on the main stem and encourage new shoots to grow. By doing so, we can avoid competition between branches and ensure a balanced growth for our snake fruit trees.
In addition to these measures, it is also important to address issues such as branch differentiation and reverse branching. We should remove any weak or damaged branches while preserving those that are strong and healthy. Moreover, we should make sure that there are enough reserve branches available for future use.
After completing these changes, our snake fruit trees will have a more open structure with fewer but stronger branches. This not only improves their overall health but also enhances their productivity in terms of both quantity and quality. With proper care and maintenance, these modified trees will continue to thrive over time.
In conclusion, winter pruning is an essential step in maintaining healthy snake fruit trees. By following these guidelines and adapting them according to your specific situation, you'll be able to create a thriving garden full of delicious fruits all year round!