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2025-01-03 【学术交流】 0人已围观
简介从门口到家门:我的供销社购物日记 在我小时候,去供销社买东西是一件特别的活动。每当周末,我都会和爸妈一起去附近的供销社,那里有各种各样的商品,从新鲜蔬菜、肉类到日用品,再到玩具和书籍,每样都让我心动不已。我记得那里的气息很独特,有一种混合着土豆、鸡蛋和面包香味的味道,让人感觉很温暖。 我们会先去看蔬菜区,那里的农民总是穿着干净整洁,用木头板子搭建的小摊上摆满了新鲜出炉的水果和蔬菜
最后,我们一定要来看看玩具区。那儿 sells everything from rubber balls to wooden puzzles, and the vendors are always eager to show off their wares. I remember one time, a vendor showed me a toy car that could actually move on its own, and I was amazed.
As we left the supply and marketing cooperative, my bag would be full of all sorts of things. My parents would give me some pocket money to buy small treats for myself. It was always such a fun day out with my family.
Looking back now, those trips to the supply and marketing cooperative were more than just shopping trips – they were about community building and sharing stories. They taught me about different types of people, how they lived their lives, and what they valued most in life. And even though times have changed since then (with supermarkets becoming more common), those memories remain as precious as ever.
So next time you visit your local market or supermarket or whatever it is called these days – take a moment to appreciate not only the goods on offer but also the stories behind them. You might just find yourself rediscovering an old love affair like I did when I went back recently for another trip down memory lane at our beloved supply & marketing co-op!