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2024-12-24 【图片资讯】 0人已围观
简介如何高效地管理种母猪的生长周期?本文将探讨几项关键问题,包括发情表现、配种技术以及饲养和管理策略。 了解种母猪的发情规律:一般在断奶后5-7天左右开始发情,每个周期约18-24天。发情期内,母猪会出现明显症状,如肿胀、粘液流出,以及对公猪的接受性增加和食欲下降。 mastered the art of timing in pig breeding: Early or late mating
mastered the art of timing in pig breeding: Early or late mating can both have negative effects on a sow's reproductive performance and overall health. Ideally, mating should occur within 24 hours of visible signs of estrus, with a second attempt at mating 18-24 hours later. Multiple matings within one cycle do not increase litter size and may even have adverse effects.
optimizing nutrition for better results: Feeding high-quality feed to young sows before breeding can increase ovulation rates. During the pre-breeding period (15 days prior to breeding), supplementing their diet with energy-rich ingredients like corn and wheat bran can enhance fertility outcomes.
promoting estrus in reluctant sows: For those who refuse to breed after their first litter, mixing them with boars in an open environment during two consecutive estrous periods helps encourage natural behavior and timely detection of estrus.
By carefully managing these aspects, farmers can improve the efficiency and success rate of their sow breeding programs while ensuring the well-being of these valuable animals throughout their life cycles.