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2025-02-23 【农业资讯】 0人已围观
简介随着水产养殖业的不断发展和技术进步,黄鳝养殖已经成为许多养殖户追求的一种经济性较高的养殖模式。其中,黄鳝网箱养殖是目前较为流行的一种方法,它不仅能够提高生产效率,还能更好地控制环境条件,对于保证黄鳝健康生长具有重要意义。下面,我们将详细介绍黄鳝网箱养殖的要点,以便供大家参考。 养殖准备 在选择河流进行网箱养鱼时,需要注意每个网箱的面积 shouldn't be too large or
在选择河流进行网箱养鱼时,需要注意每个网箱的面积 shouldn't be too large or too small, generally between 20-100 square meters. Before releasing the yellow eel fry into the net cage, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the net cage with lime or calcium powder about 10 days in advance.
The selection of yellow eel fry is crucial for successful breeding. It is recommended to use artificially bred and acclimated deep-yellow large-spot eels or golden small-spot eels as breeding stock, as these varieties grow faster and have a stronger resistance to diseases. Avoid using mixed-color fry or un-acclimated ones.
After releasing the yellow eel fry into the net cage, do not feed them for the first three days to allow them to adapt to their new environment. From day four onwards, start feeding them gradually every afternoon around 7 pm with specialized feed for yellow eels supplemented with crushed snails, earthworms and mealworms.
Yellow eels thrive during April-October each year, with peak growth period from May-September during which time management should be meticulous and timely adjustments made based on observations of their food intake situation and growth status in order to prevent any disease outbreaks caused by poor water quality conditions within the cages.
Maintain clear water quality by ensuring suitable water levels inside the cages while providing hiding places such as aquatic plants like floating lotus leaves which also help keep out predators during hot summer months.
5 防治病害
Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to preventing diseases in farmed fish including yellow-eel farming where early detection can lead more effective treatments.
Regularly apply medicines such as copper sulfate against potential infections but prevention measures are key here: maintain clean waterside environments through routine cleaning efforts; monitor your nets' condition frequently so that if any holes appear you can repair them before they cause further damage; avoid overcrowding which may trigger stress among your stock leading potentially ill health outcomes - this could increase vulnerability towards infection thereby necessitating preventative care measures before symptoms show up at all!