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2024-12-31 农业资讯 0人已围观

简介一、公鸡不肯吃淡水小龙虾养殖技术问题可能原因分析 饲料霉毒:霉菌毒素会导致肝脏、肾脏、胰腺变性坏死,影响消化系统,降低免疫力,使病原体继发感染。应及时更换饲料,防止更多鸡出现问题。 育雏温度过低或波动太大,以及湿度过大:温差和湿度的变化容易造成白痢、球虫等疾病。此外,“大肚子病”也会影响采食。要采取保温措施,保持适宜的环境条件。 不洁饮水或供水不足:饮用冷的或不干净的水会影响鸡群健康,减少食欲









突然间,我感觉到什么东西?这不是那么美味呀!蚂蚁叫起来:“哎呦,不错哦,你怎么这么做呢?”我感到很不好意思,说:“我没看见你。” 蚂蚁说没关系,再见它飞走了,这就是一个关于公鸡如何误吞蚂蚁的小故事。


公 chickens eat ants.

A chicken ate an ant and spat it out, saying it tasted bad.

Ants are not good for chickens to eat.


1.A big fat hen didn't need her owner to feed her because she had her own food - bugs in the garden.

2.The hen caught a fat bug, took one bite and swallowed it whole.

3.A cricket was moving rice when the hen saw it but didn't notice until she had already eaten it.

The cricket cried out in pain, "Hey! That's me you just ate!" The hen felt sorry and said, "I didn't see you." The cricket said okay and flew away.

This is a story about a chicken eating an ant by mistake.


1.Public opinion: Chickens should not be fed with insects like ants or beetles as they can cause harm to their health.

2.Private experience: My personal encounter with a public chicken that accidentally ate my insect friend while I was trying to move rice from one place to another.

8.Public debate:

Should we allow our domesticated animals like chickens to consume insects? Some people argue that consuming insects is natural for them while others claim that this habit could pose potential health risks due to pesticide residues on these creatures.

9.Culinary exploration:

How does one prepare old hens for consumption? Here's a recipe:

Ingredients: 1 old hen, chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, turnips

Seasonings: salt, white pepper, soy sauce


Cut up the old hen into pieces; fry them in hot oil before setting aside;

Slice turnips into thin strips readying them for cooking;

Heat oil over medium heat; add chili peppers then Sichuan peppercorns until red; add ginger garlic paste followed by adding back the fried poultry pieces;

Pour in soy sauce (and water) enough so that all ingredients remain covered but no more than half of its height;

10.International perspective:

In America too there is great demand for cooked chicken products such as legs or breasts sold at fast-food chains such as McDonald's or KFC

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