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2025-02-05 【科普文章】 0人已围观
简介对于一些从事养殖蜜蜂行业的蜂农来说,抓捕野外蜜蜂回来养殖,是一种很常见的事。而抓捕回来的蜜蜂最主要的工作就是预防蜜蜂逃跑,那么新收的蜜蜂要如何管理呢,如何防止蜂群逃跑呢?新收的蜜蜂需要关几天吗?下面趣蜜蜂小编为大家介绍下新收的蜜蜂处理方法吧!我知道,对于那些刚开始接触养殖的人来说,这些信息可能会让人感到有点迷惑,但不要担心,我将详细解释每一个步骤。 首先,我们来谈谈控制
首先,我们来谈谈控制。一个健康且繁荣的hive中包含了三个主要类型的bees:Queen(皇后)、worker(工人)和drone(雄飞)。其中,queen是整个honey bee colony中的核心,她通过生产pheromones来维护colony秩序,并负责繁衍后代。因此,如果你想要控制你的hive,你就必须掌握queen。在新收到的honey bees中,不需要直接关上它们,只需在hive门口安装一块叫做"escape board"或"teflon sheet"的小板子即可。这块板子可以帮助保持bee group内稳定,同时也能阻止任何试图逃走的大脑bees。
其次,让我们讨论一下奖励饲养。在new hive被接进去之后,就应该开始适当地进行奖励饲养。这不仅能够促使queen尽快产卵,也能调节bee们积极性;尤其是在first night after peak flow box的时候,要给予足够多量和质量的food reward,这样可以更好地安抚新的bee colony的情绪。如果没有这样的食物补给,new hive很有可能因为缺少花粉而尝试飞走。
再说说添加substitute stomachs。after the new honey bees are introduced into the hive, you can take some spare stomachs from another healthy bee colony and add them to the new one. This will help stabilize the mood of the new bee group and also assist in quick recovery of their strength.
最后,我们来看看how to manage your new honey bees. New honey bees tend to be unstable emotionally, which makes them more likely to fly away. To prevent this, you need to provide a suitable environment for them, adding some food supplements if necessary, opening up small areas for flight every now and then (preferably at entrance), or setting up a protective mesh around it. Since these newly arrived honey bees are not as active in collecting nectar as they should be due to emotional instability, it's recommended that you perform reward feeding during nighttime continuously over several days until queen starts laying eggs again and worker bees resume their normal activities outside for pollen collection.
By following these steps carefully, you'll find yourself with a thriving bee colony in no time! Just remember: temperature control is crucial when keeping your hives warm during cold weather periods so that your precious workers don't freeze.
So there you have it - my take on managing those fresh-off-the-wireworkers-of-honey-bee-colonies! Let me know if I've missed anything important or if anyone has any further questions regarding this topic!