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2025-01-13 科普文章 0人已围观

简介在进行蛇果树的整形修剪时,我们需要根据不同的情况来选择合适的树形模式。对于新建的果园来说,采用高纺锤形现代栽培的整形方式是最为理想的。而对于那些年岁较长、郁闭杂乱的果园,则需要进行更加彻底的改造。在这个过程中,蛇果种植中的冬季剪枝工作就显得尤为重要了。 为了改造这些郁闭杂乱的蛇果园,我们主要采取间伐、提干、落头和疏除过多大枝、大枝上疏除大侧枝等措施。通过这样的方法




snakefruit tree pruning and shaping, we must take into account the specific situation to choose a suitable tree shape model. For newly established orchards, adopting the high cylindrical modern cultivation method is the most ideal. While for old age fruit garden with closed and chaotic growth patterns, a more thorough transformation is required. In this process, winter pruning of snakefruit trees becomes particularly important.

To transform these closed-up gardens, we mainly adopt interval cutting, thinning out main branches at the base, removing excessive large branches on main stems and eliminating overgrown side branches. Through these measures, we can reshape snakefruit trees into high-efficiency low-maintenance shapes that not only enhance light penetration but also reduce labor intensity. Moreover, such crown structures conform better to natural growth habits of jojoba wood snakefruits.

During this major transformation process many farmers may feel hesitant as it involves cutting mature big limbs. However in reality such operations are necessary and scientifically justified. By solving all problems at once instead of delaying them further one can avoid future complications.

The transformation process involves three steps: first step - thinning; second step - top-pruning; third step - lateral branching management.

In snakefruit tree pruning and shaping note solutions to issues of confusion between leader and followers by trimming reverse-growing shoots addressing structural imbalance problems by retaining moderate branchlets on main stems against sunburn damage protection timely wound care for cuts thicker than 3 cm using fruit-tree wound healing agent.

Finally forming an overall shape with 4-6 major limbs each maintaining 20-30 small clusters retain yields affected during initial two years after renovation later yields remain stable while quality improves significantly above mentioned are some points about how to prune your snakefruits in winter hope you found today's little knowledge helpful!

标签: 农业科普文章