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2024-12-31 科普动态 0人已围观

简介一、准备工作 标粗池的准备 标粗池一般为水泥池,便于管理和收苗。单池有效水体为50~100立方米长方形,长宽比为2:1或3:1,池水深度为1.2米。池壁设计高度比池内水面高出0.2米左右。标粗池一般用砖石砌成,或采用钢筋混凝土结构,表面用水泥浆抹面,转角应为圆弧形,池底有排水孔。标粗池可以建在室内,也可以建在室外,每种方式都有其优缺点。在标粗池旁边应设有集苗池,集苗池长1.2米,宽1米左右



标粗池一般为水泥池,便于管理和收苗。单池有效水体为50~100立方米长方形,长宽比为2:1或3:1,池水深度为1.2米。池壁设计高度比池内水面高出0.2米左右。标粗池一般用砖石砌成,或采用钢筋混凝土结构,表面用水泥浆抹面,转角应为圆弧形,池底有排水孔。标粗池可以建在室内,也可以建在室外,每种方式都有其优缺点。在标粗池旁边应设有集苗池,集苗池长1.2米,宽1米左右,(pool bottom height)应比育苗(pool center)出苗管低0.4米。集苗(pool)应设有与出苗(pipe)贯通的排水(gutter)。标粗(pool)应设排水(pipe)和换水(pipe),换-water pipe 管径为50~100毫米(millimeter),排-water pipe 可兼作出-miao (pipe),管径不宜小于100毫毫(milli), with the water outlet connected to the siphon gutter). To avoid excessive pressure from pool water at the outflow mouth, a second outflow (pipe), located 0.3-0.5 meters below pool floor, should be installed and connected to the siphon gutter; it is recommended that both pipes have valves for control.

Charged air equipment can be used for roto-blower or micro-air compressor systems in this process of raising shrimp through aeration and circulation of water in tanks by blowing compressed air into them through tubes submerged in tanks filled with clean, filtered seawater.

If you're cultivating three types of whiteleg shrimp in northern China or southern China, you may also need to set up heating systems to maintain optimal temperatures during winter months.

All pools must be thoroughly cleaned before stocking shrimp with live food and nutrients added as needed.

Two stages are involved when feeding your young whiteleg shrimp:

Firstly, feed them algae-infused foods like spirulina or chlorella powder which help promote their growth and development while keeping their environment healthy.

Secondly, after they reach about 10mm size use commercial pellets specifically formulated for juvenile whitelegshrimp as they provide essential nutrients for further growth.

The objective is to keep them well-fed but not overfed so that they don't suffer from disease caused by poor nutrition or insufficient space within your tank setup where each individual has enough room without overcrowding others around it - all factors contributing positively towards higher survival rates during early life stages when most critical decisions are made regarding health outcomes later down line such as immunity against diseases etcetera., thus maintaining long-term sustainability across generations via sustainable practices implemented now!

标签: 农业科普动态科普动态